Archive for May, 2010

Dream From The Lord

May 17, 2010

I had a dream last night: I was in a worship service, when we got word of a Muslim attack on another church. Several of us left and started walking to it. It was up in the mountains.

When we arrived, we saw that the compound where the church was, had been burned. And there, standing in the midst of it, was the post and beam framing of a new sanctuary that had been under construction. We entered it, to see that the interior, which was plank paneling, and the framing itself, were unmarked by fire.

I became aware that there were some Muslims in our midst, but that didn’t stop us from loudly praising Jesus for the miracle of preserving the new construction. At this point, I became aware that one of the Muslim men was actually the leader of the mob that had burned the compound. He became enraged and started threatening me. As the threats were coming forth, myself and some others started praying silently.

I was praying that the Lord would fill the sanctuary with His glory and that He would cause the Muslims there to see Him for who He is. As I prayed, I could see a change beginning to come over the two men who remained, one of whom was the leader. I prayed more intently as I saw this.

At first, it was if they were encountering angels, as they became combative. Then they started weeping as further revelation broke over them. Then, as I was watching the leader, I saw the Glory of God rest on him for a moment and then lift. He began to weep more and I began to pray more. Specifically, that God’s Glory would fill the sanctuary and never leave it, and that everyone who came to see the miracle of the unburned church would encounter God. Finally, the Glory returned to him and stayed. A new brother had been born.

I and the others, took him back down the mountain and introduced him to the church family where we had been worshiping. I became aware that we were in the south of France.

Next, I became aware that I was praying that my daughters would come there and go to see the unburned church.

I next found myself back on a dusty country road, walking with my backpack, just as I’d came to be there.

That was the end of the dream.

Wow, what a dream!